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Rat Phantom (Anatomical) for X-Ray CT, MRI

Product Code:RT-A01 Inquiry

Rat Phantom (Anatomical) is based on the average anatomy of a rat/mouse and is suitable for both X-Ray/CT and MR imaging methods, and it can be customized to excel in a selected imaging modality. It is a powerful tool that can be used for testing and calibration-related work of various medical imaging devices.


Rat Phantom (Anatomical) is designed based on an average anatomy of a rat/mouse and it is suitable for X-Ray/CT and MRI imaging methods. It can be customized to excel in a selected imaging modality which makes it is a powerful tool that can be used for testing and calibration-related work of various medical imaging devices.

In terms of MRI applications, the phantom tissues have realistic T2 relaxation time values, which makes this product the best fit for any T2-weighted MRI imaging methods. Very good results can also be achieved with proton-density imaging methods. The phantom can still be imaged with T1-weighted methods, but the T1 values are less realistic, and they are within the range of about 100 ms.

The phantom can be customized in size and shape. The internal features can also be modified in terms of shape and properties to fit the needs of any particular bio-medical research project.


 Complete Rat Skeleton



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